
UPSC Courses


Internal Security

Internal Security is one of the most interesting topics during Mains preparations. It is also a topic where one can get assured marks easily with relatively little efforts. Around 3–4 questions worth around 40 marks are asked in GS 3 every year. Moreover, it is useful for other GS Papers as well. In Mains 2018 even an essay worth 125 marks was asked from here (Management of Indian Border Disputes- a complex task). Therefore, a holistic preparation of this part of syllabus is crucial for success in the exam.

UPSC Syllabus includes following-

  • Linkages between development and spread of extremism.
  • Role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security.
  • Challenges to internal security through communication networks, role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges, basics of cyber security; money-laundering and its prevention.
  • Security challenges and their management in border areas; linkages of organized crime with terrorism.
  • Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate.


  • Aspire IAS Target-50 classes and material.
  • The Hindu and Aspire IAS Daily Updates.
  • Prepare crisp and clear definitions of technical terms such as cyber security, terrorism, organized crime, money laundering, left-wing extremism etc.
  • For questions on border security, draw India map to illustrate.

Linkages between development and spread of extremism

This topic is very narrow as it focusses on the correlation between the issue of development on one side and spread of extremism on the other. Issues such as lack of efficient governance, poverty and unemployment with the consequence of rising extremism particularly left-wing extremism are the topics that need to be explored.

  • Though this topic is narrow, it is very important as naxal issues are frequently seen in the news.
  • You need to explore the relationship between poverty, lack of development, unemployment and the rise of left-wing terrorism such as naxalism and maoism. The issue’s origins, development, the response of the government and current situation should be studied. Since this is a narrow topic, you can make good notes for them and refer to them as and when needed.

Reading a newspaper religiously and keeping track of events will help one solve questions related to this topic.

Role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security

This topic concerns the issue of the role of external state actors like China (Border issue), Pakistan (Border issue and Terrorism), Bangladesh (Illegal refugees) etc. and external non-state actors like Terrorist Organizations (Al-Qaeda), Drug Mafias, Human Trafficking rackets etc. in creating challenges to the internal security of India. Problems, issues, solutions and way ahead, all factors have to be taken into account while studying this topic.

The topic is very dynamic in nature and being up to date with these areas will help immensely in answering the questions.

Challenges to internal security through communication networks, the role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges, basics of cyber security; moneylaundering and its prevention.

The first part of the topic concerns the role of communication networks (Mobile phones, satellite phones), Media and Social networking sites (Riots and lynching due to Whatsapp and Facebook) in creating challenges to Internal Security of India.

The second part is more of descriptive, talking about the basics of cybersecurity, as this issue has gained much significance in today's times. Also, the issue of Money laundering and the ways for its prevention also form a significant part of this topic.

  • This is a very relevant topic for the times. Many terrorists claim to have been influenced by social media sites and social media preachers for their terrorist acts.
  • With easy accessibility and a wide reach, social media is proving to be a challenge in tackling crimes of all nature.
  • Mob violence is also fuelled by social media messages that take no time to go viral.

Security challenges and their management in border areas; linkages of organized crime with terrorism.

The topic specifically deals with the management of border areas and the challenges that security agencies have to face while keeping them safe and secure. It also deals with the linkage of organized crimes like Drug trafficking (Punjab Border), Human Trafficking (Bengal Border), Kidnapping (Kashmir Border), etc. and their linkage with terrorist activities.

Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate

The topic concerns the study of various security forces (External and Internal both) like Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, CAPF, Intelligence agencies like R.A.W, Indian Police services (I.P.S) etc. The comparison and study of their mandate must be incorporated when studying about them.

This topic can be subdivided into different subsections. Each of them are discussed briefly below.

Security Forces and their Mandate

  • External and internal security forces such as the military forces (army, navy, air force), CAPF, IPS, intelligence agencies such as IB, RAW, etc.
  • You can refer to the official websites of these agencies for authentic information. Check out this link which gives precise information on them for a quick reference.

Various Internal Security Forces in India and their Mandate


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