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Hakku Patra Five families from the Banjara (Lambani) clan received Hakku Patra (land title deeds) from the Prime Minister in a symbolic ceremony in Malkhed, in the Karnataka district of Kalaburagi. The ceremony was organised by the State Revenue Department. The Banjaras are a significant scheduled caste sub-group in Karnataka, despite the fact that given the way they live, they are viewed as a tribal tribe. What are title deeds or hakku patras? The holder of a title deed i
National Girl Child Day India observes National Girl Child Day on January 24 each year. About National Girl Child Day: The purpose of National Girl Child Day is to increase public awareness of the injustices, discrimination, and exploitation that girls suffer in society. The Ministry of Women and Child Development originally established National Girl Child Day in 2008. The major goals are to alter how society views females, reduce female feticide, and raise awareness of the decli
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